Service Delivery
Providing accommodation, support, and programs that meet the evolving needs of women and children and prioritise safety, trust, empowerment, choice, and collaboration.
- Improve communal spaces and crisis accommodation in line with trauma-informed design principles.
- Develop place-based supports, programs, and activities to meet the needs of women and children.
- Develop our service engagement with children in line with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and the Tasmanian Child and Youth Safe Standards.
- Collect feedback from women and children and review data collection to inform continuous improvement in our service.
Our Team
Supporting a nurturing and collaborative environment that values diversity, experience, and continuous
development for enhanced wellbeing and job satisfaction.
- Support each team member to fulfill their role and responsibilities and recognise their contribution to our vision, values, and culture.
- Provide opportunities for learning and development through training, and participation in programs and activities, and engagement with place-based specialists.
- Invest in and support the wellbeing and safety of our team.
- Foster continuous improvement through active listening and opportunities for open, honest and respectful feedback.
Growth and Sustainability
Establishing sustainable funding models for future growth, guided by innovation, accountability, and good governance.
- Diversify revenue streams and explore business models to support future growth.
- Develop and steward strategic and sustainable partnerships that align with our values to deliver collective impact in our community.
- Ensure good governance through policy and processes that support transparency and accountability.
- Develop and implement innovative solutions to lead social change in the homelessness sector.
Improving Housing Pathways
Improving housing pathways out of crisis accommodation for women and children.
- Build 25 long term homes for women and children.
- Advocate for funding to improve access to crisis and transitional accommodation, and long-term housing in the sector.
- Consider and assess emerging opportunities that improve access to accommodation options.