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...see what life we can make...

Domestic Violence

“Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.”

This is a Native American quote about education which resonates well with two of the Hobart Women’s Shelter’s (HWS) core values – collaboration and growth. We strive to work collaboratively to build positive, professional and respectful relationships to achieve mutually agreed goals. We embrace change and opportunities for learning. With this in mind, we have revamped our website to be a community resource and to better provide assistance for women and children in need of our service.

We endeavour to provide ongoing updates to our website – particularly in the resources and information sections, these changes ought to be relevant to the changing needs of the community, and we look forward to receiving your feedback on this!

2016 has been a year of many changes for the HWS, we have welcomed new team members, and are planning for a whole new chapter for the HWS which will commence in 2017 when we relocate to a new site (yes – we will keep you updated via our blog!)…. Over the coming weeks and months I hope to share with you many exciting updates relating to HWS staffing, issues relating to DV, women’s homelessness and gender inequality and hope that you will engage with us – I hope that as the saying says we can “put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children” – because at the HWS we believe that collaboration and growth are key in creating a world in which women and children are safe from all forms of violence.


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Hobart Women's Shelter provides safe, emergency accommodation and support to women and children affected by family violence and/or those experiencing homelessness.

If you or someone you know needs emergency accommodation, please call us on 03 6273 8455 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

For immediate assistance, Housing Connect is available on 1800 800 588, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Copyright Hobart Women's Shelter ABN 58 125 908 500 © 2022 – 2025 All Rights Reserved
Site built by A Lined Design
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